A Long Way Down (Demo)A short, atmospheric linear adventure created for my FdA Games and Interactive Design degree.

Sam Griffiths

A Long Way Down is a short, atmospheric linear adventure created alongside my friend Sam as a project for our FdA Games and Interactive Design degree. It is the follow up project to our previous work: Nightmare. Currently the demo is available on Itch.io.

Demo walkthrough

A Long Way Down Intro Showcase


A Long Way Down Forest Showcase


A Long Way Down Tree Bridge Showcase

Tree bridge

A Long Way Down Swamp Showcase


A Long Way Down Final Climb

Final climb

A Long Way Down Cliff Jump

Cliff jump

Alternate night lighting idea

Alternate night lighting idea

Old colour grade on forest section

Old colour grade on forest section

Early environment stage

Early environment stage

Initial style experiments

Initial style experiments

Itch.io page

Previous: Pasikdhar
Next: Digital Artefact: Corridor (Incomplete)