A Long Way Down (Demo) hero

A Long Way Down (Demo)

See work


All projects
Smaller personal projects personal • Collection A collection of smaller personal projects.
A Long Way Down (Demo) education A Long Way Down is a short, atmospheric linear adventure created alongside my friend and teammate Sam as a project for our FdA Games and Interactive Design degree.
Mortis personal 1 Corinthians 15:26 - The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
Unreleased projects personal • Collection Unreleased and incomplete projects.
The Batman education The Bat and The Cat Trailer Shot Remake in Unreal Engine 5 & DaVinci Resolve.
Logofolio client work • Collection An ongoing collection of branding and logos designs.


All posts
Libreboot on an X230 personal An easy guide on how I flashed Libreboot onto my Lenovo Thinkpad X230, and later internally flashed an updated bios version.

Let's connect

[email protected]

If you want to get in touch with me about something or just to say hi, reach out by sending me an email.